Normandy Brittany Motorhome France

Motorhome route: Normandy & Brittany

Normandy and Brittany are both regions in France full of historic cities and beaches, beautiful nature and of course French culture. The regions are perfect to discover on a motorhome trip through the North of France! For example, you will pass places like Giverny where several artists have lived, visit the Venice of Normandy and go back to the Middle Ages in Dinan. On the way, be sure to take some French delicacies with you to prepare in your motorhome and you'll really feel like you're in the French mood for a while.

Nodmandy Brittany motorhome

Your motorhome route starts in Normandy, in the north of France. Prepare yourself for lots of art (Monet!), beaches full of history and admirable nature. Have a nice trip / Bon voyage!


The route starts in the colourful village of Giverny, which you may know from the famous painter Monet. He lived here from 1883 to 1926, the year in which he died. The gardens and the artist's home can still be admired during your camper trip through Normandy. The gardens are full of colourful flowers, but the house also has a lot of colour: something you will of course see in his paintings. The fact that Japan was a great inspiration can also be seen: in his house there are many prints from Japan, but you won't be able to ignore the Japanese bridge and water lilies in the garden either! Giverny also has the Museum of Impressionism with changing exhibitions.

At camperstop Giverny you are within a few minutes' drive of all the sights in Giverny from your motorhome.

Monet Giverny France motorhome
- The water lilies in Monet's garden make Giverny even more colourful!

Giverny - Lyons la Fôret (50 kilometres)

From Giverny, continue your motorhome journey to Lyons la Fôret, which is about 50 kilometres. In the middle of the fairytale beech forest you will find the beautiful village of Lyons la Fôret. When you arrive, you will understand why several artists have chosen the village as their creative breeding ground! Composer Maurice Ravel and poet Isaac de Benserade, among others, have lived here. As you walk through the village, the typical Norman atmosphere meets you with the beautiful old half-timbered houses and eighteenth-century wooden halls.

Next to the beautiful village you can also walk through the beech forest. Along the way you will certainly pass a number of places of interest that are hidden here, such as beautiful old castles or the abbey of Mortemer. There are many exciting legends known about the abbey, there are said to be many different ghosts roaming around... You will learn all about these legends during your visit to the abbey, which is open daily during the high season. Beyond that, it is advisable to check the opening days and times on the website.

You can spend the night with the camper van at Parking de Besguay.

Lyons la Fôret – Rouen (35 kilometres)

The next stop of this motorhome route is Rouen, where you will encounter a lot of art and history. One of the city's highlights is the Gros watch, which, as the French name suggests, is indeed a large watch, on the gate at the Rue de Gros watch. This clock is almost reminiscent of the famous astronomical timepiece in Prague! The cathedral of Rouen, Notre Dame, is also one of the most beautiful in the region because of its many rich decorations. The cathedral is sometimes called a lacework in stone. Monet, of whom you have already seen more during this camper trip, has painted several paintings for it. There are also several museums to visit in the city, including the Musée des beaux-arts de Rouen. Of course there are many more museums to visit here, because the city is not called 'Ville Musée' for nothing! You will also find the Museum of Natural Sciences and the Museum of Fine Arts.

Ideally, you should spend the night near the centre of Rouen.

Rouen - Pont-Audemer (55 kilometres)

Pont-Audemer is also known as the Venice of Normandy, and rightly so! The canals flow here between the many typical half-timbered houses, creating a romantic atmosphere in the village. In the centre of the village you will find the grand Saint-Ouen church, which was actually intended for the town of Évreux. That's why this large church is located in such a small village! Évreux is also worth a visit during your motorhome trip through Normandy, as it is one of the oldest cities in Normandy and, with its Gallic-Roman history and sights, is definitely worth a visit!

Motorhome stop Campigny is a 10 minute drive from Pont-Audemer so is the perfect place to stay during your motorhome trip!

Audemer - The chalk cliffs of Etretat (60 kilometres)

Looking for the natural beauty of Normandy during your motorhome journey through this region? Then the chalk cliffs of Étretat are definitely the highlight! One of the most famous points of these rocks is Manneporte, a part of the rock in which you can see an elephant! Also the l'Aiguille is a well known rock, this is a rock that rises 70 meters above the ocean. Both rocks can be visited during the same stop. (GPS 49.704302, 0.189045) After your visit, go to the nearby Etretat. Here you can eat a lot of delicious fish, not so crazy even in a former fishing village! In addition, the covered market halls are perfect for stocking up on some delicacies for when you are on the road with your motorhome.

Stay for free in Étretat at the Etretat motorhome park. A little further away from the town centre you will find Aire de stationnement Maupassant or Etretat car park.
Etretat chalk cliffs camper van Normandy
- Do you also see an elephant? 

Extra tips for your motorhome trip through Normandy

Apart from the route, these places are also well worth a visit with your motorhome in Normandy!

Because of the name Ouistreham, you may already know what you can particularly enjoy in this seaside resort: oysters! Perhaps the name is also familiar to you because D-Day, Sword Beach, one of the five landing zones, is close by! So be sure to drive by here with your motorhome. Ouistreham is also a great place for a day at the beach during your camper trip through Normandy with beautiful villas in the background.
In Ouistreham there is a camper place to spend the night.

The rest of the coast of Calvados
Ouistreham is one of the highlights along the coast of Calvados, but the rest of this coast is also worth a visit! Indeed, many of these beaches were a great battlefield during the Battle of Normandy and many of them can still be seen today. Drive along the coast to visit several military cemeteries and be sure to visit one of the many museums that are located here. The most famous is the Overlord Museum, where you can learn everything about the Battle of Normandy. Besides history you will find several (chic) seaside resorts such as Deauville.
Parc de l'Edit is situated on the coast of Calvados, but of course you can also spend the night in Ouistreham!

Le Havre
Le Havre is a beautiful city on the UNESCO world heritage list because of its many modern architecture. As the name suggests, this used to be a port city, although it has not always been well known, it was always seen as a somewhat drab port city. Today there is nothing left of that grey and it has become a trendy destination. Monet returns here too, because he painted his painting 'Impression of the Rising Sun' in Le Havre! A great work in the art world, because this is where the Impressionist art movement was ultimately named after.
You can spend the night at Camperstop Le Havre, just outside the city centre.

Tips for spending the night in Normandy

We leave Normandy behind us, on our way to Brittany with the motorhome!

From Normandy your motorhome journey continues to Brittany. Also in this region you will find a lot of old works and you will be overwhelmed by the delicious food and the beautiful nature. Bon voyage!

Étretat - Côte de Granit Rose (420 kilometres)

From Étretat you drive on to the next pearl of nature. The Côte de Granit Rose is part of the 350 kilometres long Côtes d'Armor. The Côte de Granit Rose lives up to its name, because this coast is literally pink! Through hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, the rocks of solidified magma have been so eroded that you can now admire these beautiful shapes and colours. In addition to the Côte de Granit Rose, it is certainly advisable to drive a little further along the Côtes d'Armor, because there are still plenty of gems to discover here! Among other things, the beaches - also pink - at Trégastel are highly recommended. So this coastline is certainly colourful!

Motorhome stop Trégastel is a good stop from which to visit the Côte de Granit Rose.

Côte de Granit Rose – Dinan (140 kilometres)

A city with a medieval atmosphere: that's Dinan, the next stop during your motorhome trip through Brittany. This is particularly striking in the Rue de Jerzual because of its many half-timbered houses. Every two years you can already enter the medieval atmosphere, because that's when the Fêtes des Ramparts take place. In these Fêtes des Ramparts the whole city is being transformed into medieval spheres where there are also various tournaments, among which knight tournaments. If you come dressed up, admission is free. Even more beautiful old works are the thirteenth-century fortifications and the castle of Dinan, which stands in the middle of the medieval city wall.

Dinan has a camper stop for the night.

Dinan Bretagne camper
- Imagine yourself in the Middle Ages during your camper trip when you are in Dinan. 

Dinan – Rennes (55 kilometres)

Rennes is the bustling capital of Brittany. A good counterpart after the medieval spheres in Dinan. Especially the many students in the city create a vibrant atmosphere in the capital: terraces are full, and that's not surprising with a street also popularly called 'Rue de la Soif', which means 'Street of Thirst'. This street was originally called 'Rue Saint-Michel'. In the centre, one historical building after another emerges: the beautiful half-timbered houses in the old centre and the Romanesque cathedral, which is particularly special because of its marble, are just the beginning. The half-timbered houses are particularly beautiful to admire on the Place du Champ-Jacquet. If you are hungry, the Marché des Lices is an ideal place. This is the fourth largest market in France. Here, too, you can pick up various delicacies for on the road, but you can also eat them here while strolling past the many stalls!

Just outside Rennes you can spend the night at camper stop Rennes.

Rennes - Carnac (145 kilomtres)

After bustling Rennes, it's time for the last stop of your motorhome journey through Normandy and Brittany: Carnac. Here you will find impressive menhirs, large stones from the Bronze Age. The menhirs were erected here a long time ago, even before our era! They are thought to originate from about 4500 BC, but we can't be absolutely sure because there is very little material here. The stones are probably placed to worship ancestors or as a kind of calendar, as more stone circles were used on the rest of the world. Because the stones can become loose when many tourists walk on the grass, you can walk between the stones between October and March. The other months the stones can be admired from a distance.

You can spend the night at camper stop Carnac, just outside Carnac.

Brittany Carnac motorhome France
- The imposing menhirs in Carnac have been standing here for many thousands of years!

Extra tips for your motorhome trip through Brittany

Château de Kerjean
The Château de Kerjean is a beautiful castle in Renaissance style, where you will find all the elements you would expect from a castle. Think of a courtyard with a well on it, immense corridors and of course a gigantic castle garden around it. Throughout the castle there are several actors who like to tell you about the former life here in the castle!

From Camperstop Landerneau you'll be right at the castle!

Fort la Latte

The Fort la Latte is situated on the coast at Cap Fréhel and has a turbulent history of past centuries. It was a strategic point during the Hundred Years' War, during which it was in French and English hands, but during the French Revolution it was also used as a prison. If you still want to stroll along the rugged coastline, you can do so from Cap Fréhel. From there you can reach the fort in 1.5 to 2 hours.

Camper stop Aire de la Roche aux Cygrons is close to the fort.

Oyster eating (Cancale)

The real oyster lover will have a great time in Cancale, this coastal town has been known for a large part of its history for its salty shellfish! Even the Romans seemed to have discovered the delicacies. At the harbour you can enjoy the oysters at the oyster market while watching the boats go in and out. It's less than an hour's drive to the famous Mont Saint-Michel, so be sure to visit it after eating the oysters! La Merveille Abbey is literally a highlight here, but you shouldn't skip the mudflats either!

Aire camping-car Ville Ballet is located just outside Cancale and is therefore perfect to spend the night after your visit.

Tips for spending the night in Brittany

Cap Fréhel Brittany camping
- Cap Fréhel is the perfect place to stretch your legs during your motorhome journey through Normandy and Brittany.


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