Where to with the motorhome in April

The best motorhome destinations for April!

Motorhome owners are increasingly using the month of April to get out there and travel. This is probably due to the many extra free days one has this month - with the Easter weekend, for example. One thing is for sure: April is a fantastic month for a motorhome-trip! Various destinations in Europe have nice weather already and, as per usual, there are many fun things to discover! Are you still looking for some inspiration for your motorhome-trip in April? Then read on quickly!

Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

From the 11th to the 15th of April the Zermatt Unplugged festival will take place in Zermatt. This village is probably one of the most beloved ski resorts of the world. Under the shadow of the Matterhorn, known for Toblerone chocolate bars, you will enjoy the finest music and a very cosy atmosphere here.

The festival has been around since 2007 and has been a great success ever since. Over the course of 5 days, more than 100 concerts take place annually on stages that are surrounded by the most beautiful mountains. Also in 2023, you can expect some big acts, such as the band Passenger! The full programme can be found on the website of Zermatt Unplugged.

You can stay close to Zermatt with your motorhome, at Matterhorn Parking. This motorhome stopover is just a 5 minute drive away from all the festivities. Besides that, you'll have stunning views over the Matterhorn. What more could one want?!

zermatt unplugged

- Enjoy the fantastic views of Zermatt while enjoying the most amazing tunes © Hanna Bueker Atance, Zermatt Unplugged

Ericeira, Portugal

In need of some sun, sea, and the beach? Take your motorhome to Ericeira! This Portuguese fisherman's village has a lovely authentic atmosphere and - very important - really nice weather. Besides that, you'll probably find Portugal's best beaches over here! The city is bursting with quaint beaches. You'll also find some typical Portuguese white houses here, and many amazing restaurants. Ericeira is mainly focused on surfing, so you will also see many surfers passing by here. However, don't fret: if you aren't a surfer, you can still do lots of fun things here.

You could take a nice walk along the coast, or go shopping in one of the many nice shops. Moreover, you can easily go on a day trip to Lisbon from Ericeira. Possibilities are endless!

Stay with your motorhome at Ericeira Camping. This motorhome stopover lies close to both the centre of town and the beach! Besides, the motorhome stopover has various facilities such as showers, toilets and electricity.


- You'll find some of Portugal's best beaches and surf breaks in Ericeira

Eifel, Germany

Spring in the Eifel: it is a gorgeous spectacle. This is because, in April, thousands of daffodils flower in various valleys of the Eifel area. In the Perlenbach and Fuhrtsbachtal, in Monschau, and the Ofeltal in Heffenthal, among others, you can admire this magnificent spectacle. Some six million bright yellow daffodils bloom here in April.

The area where these daffodils flower has been protected since 1976, in order to keep the flower fields as beautiful as possible. During your visit, you can make various nice hikes. You could, for example, walk the ''Narcissenroute'', which will undoubtedly leave you with the most beautiful views over the fields! It is also possible to explore the area with a guide. This guide will teach you a lot of interesting things about the flora and fauna of the Eifel, so this is definitely worth it!

You can stay with your motorhome at An der Oleftalsperre. This motorhome stopover lies in the Hellenthal, which means that you'll be in the centre of the stunning flower fields. There is electricity at each motorhome pitch, but there aren't any other facilities.

Daffodills Eifel

- The six million yellow daffodils of the Eifel make up for one big flower carpet!

Where are you travelling to in April? If you are travelling to any of the abovementioned destinations, but you would rather stay at a motorhome stopover with several facilities, then have a look at our Camperstop-App. In this App, you can easily apply filters to find the exact motorhome stopover you are looking for! The app is available for both iOS and Android. Try it now for free for 7 days!

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